Sunday, June 27

Winter Goodness.

We have been baking up a storm now that the chilly weather is upon us. Gingerbread men and ladies are a huge hit in our house, and when they are all done up like tiny presents of fun like this, they taste even better.

These ones were baked espeically for sale at church, to support the World's Biggest Morning Tea raising money for the Queensland Cancer Fund. They sold out in less than 20 minutes - all 25 of them. 

Cupcakes have long been a passion of mine both in the making and creating and in the eating! Tiny ones are even more scruptious and you can never stop at one, or two for that matter. This huge batch of chocolate fudge cupcakes were made to help celebrate my beautiful neighbour Michelle's 45th Birthday. Made on request with vanilla and strawberry frosting and decorated with love. We all enjoyed them but to see the look on the kids faces when you put this plate down on the table is a special joy!

And then we ventured outside to find more winter goodness . . .

A few nights ago by the light of the full moon, we built a fire, collecting stick and twigs in the park together before building and lighting the fire, which by the way is so much more complicated with two excited little people hovering and desperate to "help".

Contained in a tin drum from Bunnings, the fire roared and crackled while we toasted marshmellows. After dinner and after all the flames had died down we burried our smartie damper in the coals and boiled the kettle ready for dessert. YUMMY . . . chocolate damper and a cup of hot tea by the fire with my 3 favorite people in the world. 

1 comment:

  1. Bec, I only just discovered that ginger ladies exist on a trip to a cafe with a friend with kids in toe recently - how silly of me to think there were only men! I love the fire idea too. I have been craving a mountain cabin with a log fire so this might be more of a workable solution :) Thanks for sharing!
