Sunday, November 22

A great story.

We recently purchased this book online. "The Peace Book" by Todd Parr. It has become a favourite in our house and while we read it, I love the way the bold pictures and simple language speaks to the young mind about such an abstract issue. 
Elijah's favourite page says "peace is having enough pizza in the world for everyone". 
AMEN Todd Parr, Amen.


  1. I agree - this is such a good book! This author actually has a whole set of them - The Mommy book (He's American), It's ok to be different, the Family book... heaps more. They're all good! Thanks for the reminder... I think I'll put some on hold at the library :)

  2. Thanks for your comment! Good to see a new face here, how did you come across us? I love the Mommy book, in fact I realy love all of them. My kids gave my mum the Grandma Book for mother's day. She loves it and they love it when she reads it to them.
